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Socially just and culturally safeCARE

When it became clear that a change needed to be made on 10C, leadership and staff stepped up to the challenge.

The Sisters of Providence engraved their legacy of social justice in the walls of St. Paul’s Hospital, and that legacy continues to live on through our staff and the work we do. Which is why, when it became clear that a change needed to be made on 10C so that not only our staff felt safe but that we also improve the care we provide to our patients, leadership and staff stepped up to the challenge.

In response, a new, culturally-safe and patient-centred model of care that places equal emphasis on staff safety and well-being was implemented on the unit.

safeCARE is a systems-based model of care that includes four full-day workshops that educate staff on trauma-informed practice, cultural safety, indigenous history in Canada, substance-use disorder, and LGBTQ2S lived experience.

However, safeCARE is more than training.  

It provides staff and patients with tools to better manage care on the unit, including behavioural support, safer sharps care plans, violence reduction and respectful communication. The intention is to provide both staff and patients with a therapeutic environment based on the principles of trauma-informed and trauma-responsive care.

“It’s important to question why certain groups of people have poorer health outcomes. Many people haven’t had the opportunity to learn about colonization in Canada, it’s really making us think and reformat the way we approach our jobs,” said Anna Mathen, Registered Nurse on 10C.

Read full story here